The Eightfold Path of Enlightenment
The Eightfold Path of Enlightenment
The Eightfold Path, a tapestry woven with threads of wisdom and compassion. This "8 layered wooden mandala artwork" is a core teaching in Buddhism, followed in Indian tradition outlining a practical guide to liberation !
The eight elements of the path are:
1. Right View: See reality as it truly is.
2. Right Intention: Cultivate positive thoughts.
3. Right Speech: Speak with kindness and truth.
4. Right Action: Act with compassion and integrity.
5. Right Livelihood: Earn a living ethically.
6. Right Effort: Strive for good, abandon negativity.
7. Right Mindfulness: Be present in every moment.
8. Right Concentration: Focus the mind, find inner peace
Product Dimension:-
Size-> 12*17 inch
Weight (Excluding Packaging) -> 1.5 kg
Material-> Wood
Layers - 8
Color - Multicolor